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Music News

23rd February, 2007

Before heading overseas to perform as part of South By South West, Spod plays a farewell show on Friday March 2 at the Hopetoun Hotel, Sydney with Emergency Emergency and Talon. To celebrate the occasion a very limited edition EP, containing covers done on a Commodore 64, will available on the night. Late March will see Spod head overseas performing dates at SXSW in Texas, Los Angeles, New York and London.

12-Mar-07 Los Angeles
15-Mar-07 Alysium (after Thomas Dolby) Austin, Texas 705 Red River Austin TX 78701
16-Mar-07 Aussie BBQ Austin, Texas Brush Square Park
20-Mar-07 Fontanas New York 105 Eldridge St, New York, NY
22-Mar-07 Otto's Shrunken Head New York 538 East 14th St NYC 10009
24-Mar-07 Bowery Ballroom (sup. Electric Six) New York 6 Delancey, NY, NY 10002
27-Mar-07 Camden Barfly London Camden Barfly, London UK