Music News
9th September, 2004
The Nation Blue hits the road from late September till mid November for a national tour. The tour is in support of the band's new album, Damnation, due in stores September 27 on Casadeldisco Records. Special guests for the majority of dates, will be Further and Black Level Embassy.
26.09 Missing Link Records, Melb.
02.10 Enigma Bar, Adelaide **
08.10 Marquee, Sydney *
09.10 Back Door, Penrith (A/A) *
10.10 Oxford Tavern, Wollongong *
16.10 Ding Dong, Melbourne *
21.10 Holy Grail, Canberra
22.10 Skinnys instore, Brisbane
23.10 Funhouse Festival. Brisbane
24.10 Buderim Tavern
4.11 Prince of Wales, Bunbury
5.11 Amplifier Bar, Perth
6.11 White Sands, Scarborough
7.11 Leederville HQ Skate Park (all ages arvo)
7.11 Mojos, Fremantle
13.11 The Venue, Hobart *
* with FURTHER and Blacklevelembassy
** with My Disco and Blacklevelembassy
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